The Process of Implementing Evidence in Practice
2). Planning for change
Most projects that seek to succeed need careful planning in order to identify possible barriers, stakeholders to involve, and resources that will be required. For example:
The project team:
- Who will be responsible for implementing this evidence in practice?
- Who will be the coordinator?
- Should other people be involved and meet regularly as a steering committee?
- What roles will each person have?
Key stakeholders:
- Do you need to liaise with patients or clients?
- Who could potentially sabotage the project and need to be involved early?
- Will departments like transport need to be involved? Or other disciplines?
- Financial, transport, access to medical records, printing
Ethics clearance
- Will ethics clearance be required?
- If you intend to publish or disseminate your findings, this should be explored early
Kramer and Burns (2008) discussed their project with the medical director and quality improvement manager of each centre. They identified issues that could affect the feasibility and success of the project. For example:
- Data security
- Consent procedures
- Assurance of confidentiality for the adolescent/parent and compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
- Duration, location, and other logistics of CBT training and supervision
- Screening and referral procedures for eligible adolescents
- Compensation for clinician participation outside the scope of their usual duties; and
- Procedures for medical record review and audio taping of sessions.
Kramer T, & Burns B. (2008). Implementing cognitive behavioural therapy in the real world: A case study of two mental health centres.
Implementation Science,3:14.