The development of OTseeker would not have been possible without the generous assistance
and support of the following groups:

PEDro is the Physiotherapy Evidence Database. OTseeker
is closely modelled on the PEDro database. The developers of PEDro (Drs Rob Herbert,
Chris Maher, Catherine Sherrington, Anne Moseley & Mark Elkins) and their project
officer (Emma Smith) have provided invaluable advice, encouragement and support
to the OTseeker team. They have generously shared their experience in creating PEDro
and have allowed adaptation of the PEDro scale and other aspects of PEDro.
Visit PEDro at
The University of Queensland
Three of the members of the OTseeker team come from
the University of Queensland. The OTseeker Project Manager is also located at the
University of Queensland. The Department of Occupational Therapy has supported the
development of OTseeker and has also provided an office and facilities for the OTseeker
project. Further information about the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences within which The Division of Occupational Therapy sits can be found at

University of Sydney
One member of the OTseeker team comes from the University
of Sydney. The second rater of the trials contained on OTseeker is also based at
the University of Sydney. The occupational therapy program support the development
of OTseeker by providing office space and other administrative resources. Visit the school at:
Motor Accidents Authority of New South Wales (MAA)
MAA has generously provided the majority of the financial assistance that has been
needed to fund the development and maintenance of OTseeker.
The Occupational Therapists Board of Queensland
The Occupational Therapists Board of Queensland is the body responsible for the registration of Occupational Therapists in Queensland. The Occupational Therapists Board of Queensland has provided significant financial assistance to enable the continuation of the OTseeker database.

OT Australia
OT Australia is the peak body representing occupational
therapists in Australia. OT Australia has provided financial assistance, along with
support and encouragement, which has contributed towards the development of OTseeker.
Visit to
learn more about OT Australia.

The Rehabilitation and Related Field of the Cochrane Collaboration
Dr Rob de Bie has provided support to the OTseeker project team and generously allowed
access to the database of the Rehabiliation and Related Field. Marijke Moll kindly
arranged for the photocopying of over 100 trials. Learn more about the Rehabilitation
and Related Field at

The Canadian Occupational Therapy Association (CAOT)
CAOT has provided funding to support the development of the resource pages of OTseeker.
Visit to learn
more about CAOT.

British Association of Occupational Therapists/College of Occupational Therapists
The British Association of Occupational Therapists and College of Occupational
Therapists (COT) in the UK have provided funding to support the maintenance
of OTseeker. Visit to learn more about The British Association of Occupational Therapists and College
of Occupational Therapists.

University of Western Sydney
One member of the OTseeker team was previously supported by the University of Western Sydney. The occupational therapy program and School of Health and Exercise Sciences have previously supported the development of OTseeker by providing office space and other administrative resources.
Thank-you to the people who provided the OTseeker team with assistance, encouragement
and feedback. In particular we would like to acknowledge friends of OTseeker who
have contributed ratings on a voluntary basis: